Sunday, October 13, 2013

SEO Interview Questions

1.       What is SEO?
2.       What is Google PR as shown on Google toolbar?
3.       What is keywords analysis and how do you analyze your targeted keywords.
4.       What kinds of back links are considered the most powerful?
5.       What is Google sandbox?
6.       What are ranking factors in Google, Yahoo and MSN?
7.       What’s Google supplemental index.
8.       What’s do you know about the links buying and how Google treat links buying.
9.       What’s the difference between the indexed and non-indexed pages?
10.    What do you know about page segmentation?
11.    What is key word density?
12.    What’s the difference between the on-page and off-page optimization.
13.    What is Latent Semantic Analysis (LSI Indexing)?
14.    Is Frame based website recommended for SEO?
15.    What are general factors that can penalize a website from Google?
16.    Where do you think the SEO industry is headed?
17.    What’s spam indexing?
18.    What are your thoughts on the direction of Web 2.0 technologies with regards to SEO?
19.    What SEO tools do you regularly use?
20.    Have you any experience in the PPC and how do you manage the PPC campaigns.

21.    What SEO areas are you weak and strong in, and give examples of both?
22.    In Google, how do you find the backward links for a webpage?
23.    What kind of strategies do you normally implement for backlinks? What do you think about link buying, link bait, and other specific backlink strategies.
24.    What are the disadvantes of SEO?
25.    What do you know about the podcasting, blogs and RSS?
26.    What do you know about the XML sitemap and how do you generate it.
27.    What areas do you think are currently the most important in organically ranking a site?
28.    What is the difference between direct and indirect link?
29.    What is the recommended length (in characters) of the Title and the Description tags?
30.    What do you mean by SERPs?
31.    What do you mean by keyword proximity?
32.    What do you mean by keyword stemming?
33.    What do you mean by cloaking?
34.    What are the different ways of link building?
35.    How do you optimize dynamic web pages?
36.    What is Mod_Rewrite module?
37.    How you can target seo as country wise?
38.    What is Phrase Based Indexing and Retrieval and what roles does it play?
39.    What is Alexa ranking?
40.    What is an SEO, SEM and how important are they for an organization? Explain.
41.    Could you briefly explain pagerank algorithm?
42.    What is google spamdexing?
43.    Explain several steps that you would take to optimize a website?
44.    How important the site needs to be w3c compliant?
45.    How and what does msn, yahoo and google search looks for in a website?
46.    Define all the different ways to do marketing for a website? (PPC, Ads, Backlinks, etc.)
47.    What is an Organic search?
48.    Name few popular sites and how do you think they become popular?
49.    Why google ranks Wikipedia for most of the topics?
50.    Do you know about Signals, Classifiers and Topicality?
51.    How does a search engine work and what is the future?
52.    Can you get “abc” company listed for the keyword “google” in the first page?
53.    What is a Search Engine?
54.    Why are Search Engines important?
55.    What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
56.    Why do I need to consider SEO for my website?
57.    How do Search engines rank sites?
58.    Do I need to be number one on the search engine to get results?
59.    Does SEO just mean ‘submitting your site to Search Engines’?
60.    What is the difference between a Search Engine and a Directory?
61.    Do I have to change my website?
62.    What happens if I don’t optimise my website?
63.    What is HTML?
64.    What is a Meta tag?
65.    What is a Title?
66.    What is a keyword?
67.    What is a Description?
68.    What is “body content relevance”?
69.    What does the Submission Process Actually Do?
70.    When will my Submissions appear on the engines?
71.    What is the difference between submission and placement and when will my first page paid placement list on the search engines?
72.    What is a search engine and how does it work?
73.    What is an algorithm?
74.    What is PPC (Pay Per Click)?
75.    What is a Spider?
76.    What is Link Popularity?
77.    What is Search Engine Positioning (SEP)?
78.    What is Traffic?
79.    What is Inktomi?
80.    What is Spam?
81.    Summarize the steps of search engine optimization
82.    Do you know about dynamic optimization?
83.    Optimization of dynamic pages, shopping cart pages etc.
84.    Have you done any type of paid submission?
85.    What is the cost of paid yahoo directory submission?
86.    What is the cost of paid directory submission?
87.    How much is your ppc experience?
88.    Currently how many accounts you are managing?
89.    How you can increase the CTR for any ppc listing?
90.    How you can increase the Convertions on ppc Campaign?
91.    What is the maximum character limit of google campaign title?
92.    What is the maximum character limit of display url in google ads?
93.    What is the maximum character limit of dispay url in yahoo
94.    Do you know visitor-tracking system?
95.    Do you know Urchin software?
96.    what is the use of yahoo site explorer?
97.    what is the use of google sitemap?
98.    How can you give search engines rank?
99.    Can you independently write or re-write content for any website.
100.What is the use of .htaccess file?
101.what is the use of 301 redirect?
102.Tell 3 major factor on which google assign page rank to any page.
103.Give me a description of your general SEO experience.
104.Do you currently do SEO on your own sites and give me some examples. Do you operate any blogs? Do you currently do any freelance work and do you plan on continuing it?
105.Where do you think the SEO industry is headed?
106.What industry sites, blogs, and forums do you regularly read?
107.Have you attended any search related conferences?
108.What SEO tools do you regularly use?
109.What SEO areas are you weak and strong in, and give examples of both.
110.What areas do you think are currently the most important in organically ranking a site?
111.Do you have experience in copywriting and can you provide some writing samples?
112.What kind of strategies do you normally implement for backlinks? What do you think about link buying, link bait, and other specific backlink strategies?
113.What are your thoughts on the direction of Web 2.0 technologies with regards to SEO?
114.Are you familiar with any blackhat SEO techniques, search arbitrage, and affiliate marketing?
115.Are you familiar with enterprise web analytics and what packages are your familiar with?
116.Are you familiar with A/B testing and multivariate testing?
117.Do you have experience in email marketing, banner advertising, other types of media buys and other forms of online advertising?
118.Are you experienced in managing PPC campaigns? To what extent and on what platforms?
119.Do you have experience in bid management tools, API tools, and click fraud issues?
120.Do you have experience in extensive competitive analysis and what techniques do you use?
121.What technologies are you familiar with? (We primarily use HTML, CSS, ASP, .net, PHP, SQL, and JavaScript)
122.Why are you moving from your current position and/or leaving any current projects?
123.Do you know who Matt Cutts is?
124.What is page segmentation? (ever heard of VIPS?)
125.What’s the difference bewtween PageRank and ToolBar PageRank?
126.What is Latent Semantic Analysis (LSI - Indexing)?
127.What is Phrase Based Indexing and Retrieval and what roles does it play?
128.In Google Lore - what are ‘Hilltop’ Florida’ and ‘Big Daddy’?
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